The God who loves you is the God Who Guides people. He is a God who wants you to know He is present and real in all your life situations. He wants you to trust Him and let Him guide you in your life. You will also see from the stories that He is a faithful God, no matter what you do.
God is indeed so amazing. In His love for you, not only does He help you to do what is right and good, He also wants to save you from the terrible consequence of a life under the influence of sin. In The God Who Saves you will learn of the great price God paid to rescue you, and the choice you can make in order to be in His saving plan.
This module is about The God Who Helps. In His love, God helps human beings to understand the consequence of sin and to choose to do what is right and good. God shows you that He cares how you treat people and that He wants to help you to be with Him always.
In this GOD LOVES YOU series, you will learn about some people who lived on Earth a very long time ago. These people have experienced God, and His great love for them. Their stories are recorded in the Bible. This Module introduces you to The Amazing God who knows you and loves you. You will discover what He is like and the fact about HIs love for you.